midnight thirty
My brother wanted to go get a drink with his buddies. My dad went to bed early. I’ve had nothing better to do with my time than bag on the free internet service at the hotel. Here’s what I happened during my wild night in semi-reality:
There’s a lot of bloggers blogging about Tom Cruise right now.
(Am I missing something???)
Accidentally googled myself... Apparently Wittgenstien spelled his name Wittgenstein. So if you type in a google search for Wittgenstien you’ll end up with a link to my blog.
(Stupid “E” before “I” only in stein.)
Sent out ten myspace friend requests...
(See. I am meeting people even if I’m not out “meeting” people.)
Checked the Craig’s list missed connections for like that past month…
(You know you check too!)
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