Tuesday, June 14, 2005

science fair project

Originally uploaded by luccym33.


The purpose of this post is to show that seeing live music can cure and create almost any aliment.


There is something about the combination of sounds and rythm and sometimes lyrics that resonates at certain wave lengths similar to that of the body and mind. Therefore, listening to music can positively or negatively change a person’s state of health either mentally or physically.


1: Studies have shown that the body operates in waves of 7.98 per second. When the body is ill, these wave lengths can be affected.
2: Certain sounds produced by the body also resonate at about 8 waves per second, for example chanting the word “om.” This is also true for certain notes.
3: I went to see Rilo Kiley last night and my mental/physical state of health was affected by the music.


Music is medicine. The negative is the postitive.