Tuesday, April 05, 2005

when will the pain end???

Another day of endless agony. I can't be too upset seeing how it was my fault. Working in a hospital full of patients with head injuries and broken backs doesn't leave much room for sympathy for me. So I pretended it didn't hurt all day. One of my patients had a helper dog named Lucy. I thought it was ironic.

When I got home from class, which I slept through, I slept for two more hours. Usually I have trouble sleeping. In about an hour I have an acupuncture apointment. If that doesn't work, my friend Mark said he would give me a vicodin. Yum Yum.

My living room had turned into a greenhouse. I can't wait 'til the last frost!

Daily haiku:
My thoughts are void
an empty pot of coffee
drink me, rebrew me

(Is it a barista match made in heaven? The possiblility gets me through the day.)