Monday, March 28, 2005

Jesus has risen and he's pissed

I talked to Collin today. I bit my pride and told him I was sorry. And I am sorry for the whole glass bottle thing, but maybe not for my passion. But thats beside the point, we are friends again. Which leads me to the purpose of this blog.

I spend the weekend with my family. Easter was fantastic (this is my new favorite word...but when you say it you have to say it with your eyes closed or squinted, say FAN fast and then drag out the TASTIC, add in a little head jiggle with that too.) I went to mass on Easter Sunday with my brother and his new wife and my dad. The St. Francis Cabrini cathedral was full. So they set up a seperate mass in the gym, which was also full, and we had to stand in the back. And this was the second mass! Apparently eighty people were baptised at that parish the night before. I think it is good to know that in Littleton, CO the churches are full and there are eighty new Catholics. Not good as in "praise Jesus it is Good that there are new converts," but good because Christians and republicans are starting to run together in my mind. So it is good to know what the Christians are up to. Which leads me to the purpose of this blog.

The other night I was at the Fourth Story writing and drinking a gin and tonic when I was approached by two writers, a man and a woman. The woman asked, "are you a writer or are you just journalling." I didn't want to blow my cover, and to repond "yes I am JUST journally" was not what she wanted to hear, so I said, "I am an inspiring writer, but I am not published or anything." She smiled and replied, "blah blah my book that came out last month blah blah blah blah me me me." We talked for a while, and then she left. The man stayed, and we continued our conversation. He encouraged me to put something together, and I was inspired. Which leads me to the purpose of this blog.

After the election, Collin and I had this idea. We were drinking coffee and talking about what we could do. "What can we do? We must be able to DO something, but what?" I thought it might be a good idea to write about Christianity and its affect on politics and this election, this culture, etc. But we never did that. Now I am inspired to DO what we talked about DOING. But I need your help. YES you. all you crazy cynical bastards who have had crazy experinces with Christianity. You've all got stories to tell. Let's put them togther and DO something. I am not quite sure what just yet, but at least this is a start. Think about it...and write me an email (