The other night I watched the movie
Pi. I’d never seen it. With my recent obsession with the number, I was hoping the movie would give some insight.
But it didn’t.
The main character, Max, believes everything in nature can be understood through numbers. The first thing that came to my mind was my physics professor. He used to say, “Math is the thoughts of God.” I always figured if I could understand math I could understand God. But I don’t understand math. And I most certainly don’t understand God.
Max was searching for patterns, but pi has no pattern. It is a completely random number with infinite digits. Nonetheless the chain of numbers is always the same. Isn’t that a pattern in itself? The ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle is always 22/7. Every circle has a pattern. Pi is a pattern and it is chaos at the same time. So his search was a pointless spiral into insanity, literally. But he wasn’t even searching for patterns in pi. He was searching for a 216 digit number. How does this number relate to pi?
I didn’t understand, so I decided to try and diagnose Max. I wanted to help him with his debilitating headaches, social anxiety disorder, and hallucinations. If I could have made him feel better his thoughts would be clearer. Acupuncture is good for headaches.
Explanations for anomaly: Human error. Failed treatments to date: Beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, adrenaline injections, high-dose ibuprofen, steroids, trigger metastics, violent exercise, caffeine, acupuncture, marijuana, percodan, midrin, tenormen, sanser, homeopathics... No results. No results.The only thing that helped was a drill to the head.
What a strange movie. I think I am missing something. Maybe I will call Dr. Oakley.