Monday, September 19, 2005

There is a season...turn...turn...turn

Ahhh. yes. The change of seasons is upon us. And everyone has began to bitch and complain about having runny noses and sore throats. But have no fear! Here are some simple tips to help you over come your symptoms.

For a runny nose with clear mucous and a headahce or bodyaches, make some tea out of ginger and cinnamon and drink it all day.

For a sore throat and headache, make some tea out of mint!

For a cough or just an overall boost for your lungs, eat a pear or drink some pear juice, or better yet, make some stewed pears with honey.

If none of this helps, try some cold snap. This stuff works wonders. You can usually get it at any local hippie mart. (ie- wild oats, whole foods, etc.)