Monday, May 02, 2005

Can I still be punk rock if I like Bright Eyes?

Bend-er (noun) – a prolonged bout of drinking (slang). Synonyms – spree, binge, splurge.

That sounded like such a wild thing to do. “I’m going on a BENDER.”

Alas, with the weather as grey and dreary as a funeral, my bender included staying in my apartment, hanging out with my cats, listening to music, and sewing a lot. I did manage to down a few gin and tonics, but binge drinking is not as fun when you’re alone. Now my time is up. Back to school; back to work. I don’t need a stinkin’ bender anyways. Maybe the bordom bender was better than the drinking bender I had in mind.

Besides I am going to NYC in four days. How can I complain about anything?

Feeling like I have nothing intelligent to say, I'll just stay quite for awhile.