Thunder Road
Its getting cold.
I better shut window.
Its getting quiet.
I better turn on some music.
If I didn’t live half a block from Colfax, and if I didn’t share walls with a drummer, it would be completely quiet. One day when I’m up in the mountains and its completely quite, I’ll wish I was in the city with all the people and the noise. But for now I’ll watch the sunset at Cheeseman and wish I was up there, in the mountains. I’ve got everything I’ve ever wanted right at the tips of my fingers. But I won’t know what’s gonna happen until April. Six months of waiting. I’ll be waiting to graduate, waiting for Anne and Sasha to leave, waiting to move, waiting to go, waiting to stay. I predict I’ll change my mind about 720 times. That’s four decision changes a day for the next six months. Yesterday I made a decision to leave. By noon today I was staying. Right now it’s about 6:30PM and I’m leaving. I don’t think I can handle this. I’ve just got to figure out the pattern…
What comes next?
There are 64 chapters in the I Ching. There are 64 possible combinations of DNA. Is the a coincidence? Absolutely not. There are 8 hexagrams to the I Ching. There are 4 combinations of A, T, C, or G. 8 times 8 is 64. This is a pattern.
Life is chaos until someone figures out the pattern. What was gravity before Newton? What was relativity before Einstein? What was space-time before Hawking? What is my life but a pattern? All I have to do is make an educated guess as what happens next then trust my instinct and drive right in!
Brian + Heart = Mountains
There. It’s no longer chaos. I don’t know what it looks like…what, when, where, or how, but I know its why I keep going. Bruce Springsteen already wrote a song about this. Its called Thunder Road.
I'm going.
It sounds good to say that. Now that I’ve made up my mind, what shall I do tonight? Its Friday. Willy’s in Vegas. Anne’s getting sloppy at the Great American Beer Festival. Sasha’s getting high and day dreaming about Jon and France. Tyler and Karen are going to the punk rock show. Dave’s drinking for free at the Flying Dog. I’ll probably just sit here and listen to the CD’s my neighbor burned for me. And then I’ll probably study. There’s lots I’ve got to know.
Fuck that. I’m callin’ Dave.
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