Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies

Madeline, my little cousin, is all in a tizzy. Last week in Catechism she learned about purgatory.


Now she's convinced she's not going to heaven. I don't know what she's all upset about. I was pretty happy the day I learned I wasn't going to heaven.

No more feeling guilty about the crazy shit I do.

No more thinking I was better than everyone who wasn't going to heaven.

And besides, sleeping in, eating pancakes and sipping coffee is so much better for my "soul" than wearing panty hoes and listening to some self rigtheous preacher tell me what to believe. Because contrarty to his rhetoric, my life does NOT begin when this one ends.

Heaven is over rated. And, according to Madeline's teacher, cats don't go to heaven either because they don't have a soul.

No animal? Just people?